The Mentorship

 Feel present in your relationships, creative and inspired with your free time, impactful at work, and connected to nature.

The Problem

All of us get stuck.

You're stumped. Every day seems more difficult and automatic than the next. What's keeping you from living now?


You can't find the time.

Where do you even find the time to live your life? You have work, kids, family obligations, grandchildren to care for, bills to pay. And for those moments where you do open up space, and clear some time, for some reason it doesn't feel fulfilling.


You're not seeing results.

You've tried to follow morning routines, evening routines, diets, financial advice, but it's not helping you feel more present, instead it's creating more pressure, another thing to do to be better than you are. You're doing everything right, so what could you be missing?


You feel like ease and calm and happiness is out of reach

For life to feel more purposeful and fulfilling it seems like you have to travel the world or be Oprah or have millions of dollars to live a life that matters, makes a difference, makes you proud. What do you have to do to live this feeling now?

Meet Cynthia

I've been exactly where you are.

Every thought that it wasn't possible for me to feel present and connected and fulfilled - to have loving relationships, money in the bank, clothes that I liked how I looked in, I've come face to face with. From feeling bored, under-appreciated, and taken advantage of to feeling trapped in the same cycle of negativity day in and day out. From struggling with comparing myself to others to trying to be like others. I've been there. I've felt stuck and stagnant, too. But throughout all of these challenges, there's one thing I've learned that can prevent all of it from continuing or happening to you. It's the one thing I credit my comeback to.

  • Excited in my marriage
  • Love spending time with my kiddos
  • Connected to my creativity and inspiration
  • Feel purpose driven and of service
  • Present and alive in my day-to-day

The Solution:
Intentional lifestyle, fulfilled life

Going from where you are now to where you want to be is as simple as leading a more intentional lifestyle. But it's not easy.

Imagine being more present within your relationships and interactions. Or consistently clear on your direction and goals, no longer worried about the outcome. Where your confidence may have been lacking before, it's now impossible to be without. The day-to-day fulfillment doesn't seem so out of reach. And the excitement and ease you thought only others could have, is now your reality. All of this is possible with an intentional lifestyle, and a proven practice to live one.

The Mentorship

Borrow my experience. 

Over 10 years working the practice 
+ teaching men and women the process

You can try to figure this out on your own, but my experience is here and available for you. I want you to learn from my mistakes so you don't lose the same amount of days as I did feeling stuck, stagnant, and alone. Either path you take won't be easy. But within the mentorship you''ll have direct coaching with me throughout to take you through.

This is what makes The Mentorship unlike other programs out there. I've actually been where you are, figured out a practice to lead a more intentional life, and have the day-to-day fulfillment to prove it, as well as students whose lives have changed because of it.



The Eternal Knot Practice

What We'll Cover

  • Month 1 - Attention
  • Month 2 - Direction
  • Month 3 - Energy
  • Month 4 - Congruence
  • Month 5 - Generosity
  • Month 6 - Patience
  • Month 7 - Joyful Exertion
  • Month 8 - Wisdom
  • Month 9 - Meditation
  • Month 10 - Compassion
  • Month 11 - Service
  • Month 12 - Discipline

It's time to get un-stuck

Finally learn a practice to lead a more intentional life.

12 months of coaching and implementation

Video lessons, resources and meditations

Private community group

Access to past workshops and new ones

Lifetime access

Your Questions Answered
The Mentorship Isn't for just Anyone. But if you are checking off these boxes, I'd want to see you in the program.
  • You've been feeling stuck and stagnant in your life for a few years
  • You don't know what you're doing wrong or how to fix it
  • You've tried therapy, hypnosis, retreats, yoga, meditation, and nothing's worked
  • You're committed to doing the work in your day-to-day - taking it off the page
  • You're open minded and willing to do something new